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After the Blackout…

We are pleased to see the outpouring of support for several companies blackout protest of the anti-piracy bills, SOPA & PIPA.  Despite today’s surge it is critical that everybody understand that this fight is not over, yet.  We welcome Cong. Richard Neal’s statement of opposition to the bill as written, but we encourage our readers, as other media companies have, to have their voices heard.  For the record we can confirm, Neal is joined by Senator Scott Brown, his Democratic opponent Elizabeth Warren, and Representatives Capuano McGovern, Olver & Tsongas in opposing these bills.

Wikipedia, now up & running again, has a handy article on the protest with links to more information and ways to communicate with your members of Congress.  Thank you to all of those who have reached out to their member of Congress and urge you to continue to do so.  Perhaps now Congress will sit down with both creative communities like Hollywood and the tech communities like Silicon Valley and Route 128 to find a solution that protects copyrighted material from piracy without jeopardizing the freedom and innovation of the Internet.