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Monthly Archives: September 2010

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Justice Comes to Springfield…

Several days late, but who knows how many dollars short, we would like to share with you some photographs from last Tuesday’s opening to the 75th annual Springfield Public Forum.  The series is the last fully free to the public lecture in the country or

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The First Statement…

The stunning victory of tea party backed Sarah Palin look alike Christine O’Donnell over establishment candidate Republican Congressman Mike Castle dealt a blow to the Republican party’s efforts to gain control of the US Senate come November.  However, the implications of the election run much

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And with Our Endorsement Comes the Following…

Today is Primary Day in Massachusetts and in the Pioneer Valley that actual means choices instead of mere formality.  From US House races to the DA’s race to numerous contests for seats on Beacon Hill, the 2010 election has attracted significant interest among many in

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It’s… All About Steve…

Despite the widespread panic (or joy) that this year’s midterms have elicited on the national level, 2010 is also proving to be an interesting if not particularly apocalyptic and/or providential on the local level.  A smattering of races are attracting some attention.  The lynch pin