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Monthly Archives: August 2012

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Libraries Built with Trash?…

**This post has been edited for accuracy. **  When the Springfield City Council voted 7-4 to approve a higher than requested trash fee in exchange for reopening neighborhood library branches, it was clear the side the crowd was on.  A sustained applause greeted Councilors who took

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Manic Monday Markup 8/6/12…

…And the World: In one of the most high-profile defections in the conflict so far, Syria’s Prime Minister, Riyad Hijab, and other ministers defected as the regime of Bashar al-Assad and rebel groups continue to battle.  The White House has said the days of Assad’s

Vacant Expressions in Springfield…

As 2010 faded into 2011, Springfield and its largely Forest Park neighborhood-based Ward 6 faced a tumultuous transition. Councilor Keith Wright had resigned from the seat only a year after his and seven other ward-based seats were created in the city’s 2009 Council reorganization. The