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To Take on the 9th Hampden as a Client…

SPRINGFIELD—The 9th Hamdpen Democratic primary shares some similarities with Peter Murphy’s run for the School Committee seat that covers wards 2 & 8.  A great deal of those wards are in the district and Murphy has experience in low turnout electoral affairs. However, in other

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The Primary Numbers: A Remainder of 5 Races…

For the remainder of the races, we shall keep our endorsements brief. Certainly, we could go on & on about any of these candidates and races. However, with time actually running out to influence the electorate, brevity carries the day over intricate analysis. To see

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Manic Monday Markup 9/8/14…

A condensed Markup before primary day! …And the World: We begin today in Britain, where a poll showing a narrow advantage of the Yes campaign on Scottish independence has drawn former Prime Minister Gordon Brown out of retirement. Could he be the only hope to

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Shawn of the Deadlocked Hampden DA Race…

WESTFIELD—Politicians abound in Shawn Allyn‘s family, but until this year, it might have been a recessive gene for him. But since joining the race for Hampden County District Attorney, Allyn has evolved from a reserved, somewhat awkward political neophyte to a master of both tone and

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As History Has Shown, Don’t Bet Against Ivette…

UPDATED 9/8/14 2:00AM: For grammar. SPRINGFIELD—The campaign for state representative in the 10th Hamdpen District differs greatly from the last time it was open. There has been no truly open race for the seat in its modern incarnation. When Anthony Scibelli took the seat in