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Manic Monday Markup 2/22/16…

…And the World: We begin today in Great Britain where Prime Minister David Cameron’s announcement of a June referendum on whether the United Kingdom shall remain in the European Union has prompted a flurry of reaction. Markets have become bearish about the pound, fearing the

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Tardy Tuesday Takedown: 2/16/16…

The Feds: We begin today in the United States where one of the three major branches of government was rocked (and still is) by the death of Antonin Scalia, the pugnacious intellectual anchor of the Court’s conservative wing. Remembrances have included that of his friend and

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Manic Monday Markup 2/8/16…

Taken for Granite State: The nation’s first primary is tomorrow and few things are certain—or not. Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders have comfortable leads in the Republican and Democratic primaries respectively. The media debates whether Hillary Clinton, her husband and her campaign’s increasing sharp tone

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Manic Monday Markup 2/1/16…

Special Iowa edition! More updates from around the world later today. Hawkeye of the Storm: We begin today in Iowa, where the first nominating contests for the Democratic and Republican presidential nominations are happening tonight. On the Republican side, it all comes down to organization.