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Tag Archives: Eric Lesser

March for our Lives Springfield

The Year in Springfield 2018…

In Springfield 2018 may go down as a key year for the city. The Council, Springfield’s congressman, and even activism itself had a good year. But even if there was some small-d and large-D democratic developments, this year also ushered in some noteworthy signs on

Longmeadow Daze: Town’s Top Dem Announces Exit…Her Way…

Longmeadow Daze is an occasional series about Longmeadow politics and government. An icon of the Democratic party in Longmeadow—and statewide—has announced her exit. Candy Glazer, the chair of the Longmeadow Democratic Town Committee (LDTC) has announced she will relinquish the chair on January 1. Friends

Briefings: A Lesser Candidacy Testing Senate Waters…

The jockeying to permanently succeed Stanley Rosenberg as Senate President began anew last weekend amid fresh reports about the widening scandal surrounding his husband. The new details about his spouse, Bryon Hefner, have all but bulldozed Rosenberg’s narrow, delicate path back to power. Acting Senate