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Tag Archives: Marjory Stoneman Douglas High shooting

March for our Lives Springfield

The Year in Springfield 2018…

In Springfield 2018 may go down as a key year for the city. The Council, Springfield’s congressman, and even activism itself had a good year. But even if there was some small-d and large-D democratic developments, this year also ushered in some noteworthy signs on

Briefings: Art & Activism, as Springfield Meets Parkland…

SPRINGFIELD—History is not without a sense of irony. Two hundred plus years ago, George Washington sited the national armory here, spurring a weapons industry. Today, though much retrenched, gunmaker still employ hundreds. But Springfield-made firearms are not just mowing down Redcoats, Confederates, Imperial and Nazi

March for our Lives Springfield

In March for Our Lives, Springfield Confronts Its Demons…

SPRINGFIELD—From Court Square past the Central Library to the Federal Courthouse and back, hundreds, perhaps a thousand, marched. A bolero of car horns met them along major arteries. Both victim and source of gun proliferation, Springfield offered a rare show of civic force Saturday, adding

Briefings: Warren to March for Our Lives in Springfield…

SPRINGFIELD—United States Senator Elizabeth Warren is slated to attend the Springfield March for Our Lives this Saturday. The nationwide marches, organized by survivors of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Parkland, Florida, aim to tighten the nation’s gun laws. By speaking at Springfield’s