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Tag Archives: Mike Lake

Massachusetts Democrats Look Forward and Back…

UPDATED 9:53PM: Gus Bickford won reelection as chair. Four years ago, Massachusetts Democrats, somewhat discombobulated after Donald Trump won the presidential election, had a task before them. Then-Senator Thomas McGee, was not seeking another term as chair and the Democratic State Committee had to replace

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The Primary Numbers: A Remainder of 5 Races…

For the remainder of the races, we shall keep our endorsements brief. Certainly, we could go on & on about any of these candidates and races. However, with time actually running out to influence the electorate, brevity carries the day over intricate analysis. To see

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Statewide 2014 Field Gathers in Longmeadow…

UPDATED 11:55PM: For added pictures and minor editing of details. LONGMEADOW—Rarely do so many candidates for so many offices gather in one place. And yet nearly a year out from the state election, in a Western Massachusetts suburb was the entire field (or a representative)