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Tag Archives: Natalie Blais

Kim Driscoll

In Driscoll’s LG Bid, a Mayor for All Seasons…and All 351 Communities…?

BELCHERTOWN—Kim Driscoll has a line while stumping for lieutenant governor in which she acknowledged she is not “the hometown gal.”

“But I really do care about hometowns and the strength of communities, and making sure they have the assets and tools they need to impact the quality of life in a favorable way,” she told WMP&I.

Echoing recent LG’s role, Driscoll has invested heavily into the narrative of lieutenant governors as municipal liaison in her bid to become Maura Healey’s running mate on the Democratic ticket.

Beacon Hill Cartographers Unveil Proposed Legislative Districts for 2022…

With the much-delayed Census figures in hand, the Massachusetts legislature set to drawing new maps for the state House and Senate. On Tuesday, the Joint Committee on Redistricting released its drafts. The new lines are not wholly without controversy. The Committee will hear from the public Friday even as a constitutional deadline begins to bear down. In the 413, the process may have delivered as well as it could.