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Tag Archives: Occupy

The Year in Springfield, 2011…

With another year under Springfield’s belt comes another edition of the Year in Springfield.  In its 375th year of existence the City of Homes suffered through one of the most erratic year of weather on record which brought a range of immense destruction and gross

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Biomass and Occupy Boston Bulletins…

Last week biomass opponents were despondent.  Kateri Walsh resorted to parliamentary procedure where the power of persuasion has failed–miserably–and delayed a vote to appeal the building commissioner’s decision to issue permits.  Meanwhile, the hearing officer for the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection had ruled that

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“Occupy” Mothership Goes Down…

 **UPDATE 8:25PM** Protesters have been permitted to return to Zuccotti Park, but under much more restrictive conditions have lost their motion before a judge.  However, questions remain, especially over the treatment of the press and the cover-of-darkness nature of the raid. As you may already